Jesus Loves You


Today I'm gonna write about healing. It's not something about absolute healed to 100% recovered, but it's something that good to praise God.

FYI, my grandma was admitted to hospital several days ago. For me such a bad grandson, only went to visit her today (12/14). hehe. I was shocked that I almost couldn't recognize her, as her face was fattened. She was sleeping when I reached there. After she woke up, she was crying in pain. "aiya, aiya, aiya ~"

So, I was emmm... console her lo. U know la, im not good at it. So I say "not pain de larh~" Soon or later, she cried louder than before. Then I tapped her like how my mom tapped me to sleep when I was small. That didn't work, she was still crying in pain. Oh my, I don't know what to do. I try again, say "guai lah~ (be a good girl)". Then she said, " it's not that I don't want to be a good girl, but its painful."

I looked around, I was still blur case. Then, I laid my hand on her, and pray. I just simply pray that God will take away all her pain, and I began to tap her. As I was asking for healing, in Jesus name, tapping my grandma, she started to slow down her crying. Wow, as I tapped slower, she cried slower too. That wasn't work before I pray, and it worked after I pray in Jesus name!

Wow, I mean really wow. God answered my prayer in immediate time. I would say wow again, it's amazing. Then she slept again like a baby in sweet sound.


Anonymous said...

wow.....amazing.....really works ar??????whao.....

yongkim said...

god is great. =D

Anonymous said...

hey, merry christmas.

Yea, Jesus heals. I know what you're going through. Know that He loves you and your Grandma loads and You'll automatically find that faith to move mountains!

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