I've taken sum pics (in Sabah oh~):My room ? yea, bt not any more. =D
It just happened in my dream. =)
My Hostel?
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oh my... ur living in a girl's dorm?
u lucky lucky boy...
i think i c this place before...when u chat with me in skype,stil rmb?
is tat really ur room?? wow.. better condition than mine in genting!! haha.. nice man~~
wat wat?
excuse me jon. y u say so. now, im staying wif girls dorm, not in girls dorm. haha. dou i heard inside girls dorm very interesting. =P *dun think pervertedly.
tat was my rented hostel in KK,cost abt RM18/night.
coz its weekend, n i hadn't register to my university course yet. so had to stay outside b4 monday came.
it was not bad lah. cheap place ma, got aircond summore, cant ask 4 more. =p
ya, hueihli, ur right ! XD
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