Recently, my friend, Mr Akabonashi Nandao asked me, would i go after a girl who is older than me.
I said no.
He asked why.
Before i go further, i would like to start with his answer. He chose "yes", because older girls are more matured in thinking, more independent, so, he has less "worry". This enable him to focus on his career.
For me, i just can't accept a life partner who is bigger than me in ages. Firstly, she would physically looked stronger than i do, and I don't know where sud i put my "face" on, maybe i sud name it EGO. I don't know other men think, i do need some ego, to show that im not relying on anybody.
Secondly, im stil a childish-minded, and not-so-knowledgeable guy. So, with the little bit more of her experience in life than me, she knew what to do in most of the situation. Unlike younger kids, sometime, they would ask me a very simple question. If I could answer them, i feel proud deep down in my heart, especially when they smiled at me.
Girlfriend (older/younger)
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i think is mentally stronger n not physically...evy1 is not the same so ur fren should decide it coz he is the 1facing the is to explain should b yes o no?no matter how...age is not a pro..
erm...actually in my opinion,i think aging cn't show the maturity of a lady.cause maturity is depend on wat a person only i relieze why guys like stupid lady..hahaha...cuz they want to protect their "face".
yes, i need "face", i want it, i desire for it, i longing for it, i admit. =(
it's about ur EGO. duh.
yalo yalo, u wrote it so directly.
yet i appreciate it. XD
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